As there is no specific ICD-10 marker code for aTTR-CM, diagnosis requires both amyloidosis (identified by E85. ICD-10 code) and a cardiovascular condition (identified by ICD-10 or medical procedure codes related to either heart failure, arrhythmias, conduction disorders or cardiomyopathies), which are not necessarily reported at the same visit.
The prevalence data of aTTR-CM is limited and not well characterized, due to missed and delayed diagnosis in most patients, its heterogenous clinical presentation, and previously lacking sensitive diagnostic modality. The emergence of effective therapies for patients with amyloid transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis, and specifically cardiac ATTR amyloidosis, is a relatively recent and exciting development.
The Sources Behind Our Insights
Our granular and quality-controlled real-world dataset can help design clinical trials that better reflect real-world scenarios.
Our dataset can be used to create synthetic control arms, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of new treatments.
Our dataset can help pharma companies gain a better understanding of the market and generate granular value dossiers for HEOR.
Our dataset can help medical affairs teams better understand the clinical outcomes and real-world evidence associated with their products.
Find more relevant medical information thanks to LynxCare's disease-specific NLP pipeline for a better patient and population understanding.
Initiate or participate in national and international multi-center, multi-country RWE studies.
Benefit from network of KOLs.
Initiate or participate in (pharma- or physician initiated) peer-reviewed (multi-center, multi-country) publications
More effective patients/cohort selection through clinical NLP, enrolling more patients in clinical trials
Receive feedback on the clinical data quality of your hospital’s database.
Benefit from data science training provided
We strive for comprehensive representativity by including data from a mix of academic and non-academic centers. This approach allows to capture the real-world patient and treatment pathway.
Our team of data experts has a combined 50+ years of experience in healthcare data analytics and quality control.
We partner with clinical experts in aTTR-CM and other specialties to ensure our data offers relevant and valuable insights for healthcare professionals.
Hospitals remain in control of their own data. Each RWE request is individually handled following data governance guidelines and timelines as agreed in our Master Service Agreement to accelerate the delivery of clinical insights.
LynxCare partners with statistical firms who already have a working relationship with life science companies.
Our data asset contains an estimated 400+ aTTR-CM patients and 167 variables measured throughout the patient pathway, offering exceptional granularity for analysis.
Our strict data quality standards and regular updates ensure that our dataset is both reliable and up-to-date, providing the most valuable insights for our clients.
Our NLP is disease-specific. As a result, the data is far more complete compared to other broad NLP vendors.
Our dataset is stored in the widely-used OMOP-CDM format, enabling our clients to easily integrate our data with other healthcare or research IT solutions.
We run projects on databases already built and manage your expectations upfront with a feasibility check for your study protocol.
How LynxCare Can Help
By providing insights into individual pathways of ATTR-CM patients, our data asset enables clinicians to tailor treatments to specific patient needs, opening up the possibility of personalized medicine.
By providing insights into the clinical pathway of patients diagnosed with aTTR-CM, our data asset aims to ultimately improve patient outcomes by providing valuable insights for clinicians and researchers.
With our comprehensive dataset and world-class expertise, we aim to continue to drive innovation in the treatment and management of aTTR-CM patients, ensuring that the latest insights and solutions are available to healthcare providers and researchers.
° LynxCare datasets concern datasets within the LynxCare's European hospital network. The hospitals are the data controllers. No commitment before site approval on RWE request.