About LynxCare

Unlock Insights in Immuno-Oncology

With over 2000 estimated patients and 579 endpoints measured, our granular and quality-controlled real-world dataset can unlock invaluable insights into the treatment and prognosis of immuno-oncology (IO), empowering clinicians to make informed decisions.

Access to timely, granular and Real-World Data for regulatory purposes is one of the biggest challenges life sciences companies are facing. We can help you overcome this obstacle and close evidence gaps throughout your product lifecycle in immuno-oncology, from development to launch and growth.

LynxCare's comprehensive datasets* offer fresh insights into patients treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors including comorbidity factors, treatment patterns, adverse events (cardiotoxicity) and median overall survival.

Take a moment and discover more about the data sources, the representativeness of the dataset, the value of unstructured data, and how LynxCare's dataset stands out from the competition.


* LynxCare datasets concern datasets within the LynxCare hospital network. The hospitals are the data controllers. No commitment before site approval on RWE request.

Dries Hens, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer - MBA ESCP Europe



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