Healthcare data

LynxCare starts extracting data for spine tango registry

The international Spine Registry – Spine Tango, is always evolving and in total compliance with the permanent innovations in spinal surgery, therefore continuously researching and assessing the efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness of new technologies

Spine Tango was established in 2002 by the collaboration of EUROSPINE and the Swiss RDL- medical Registries and Data Linkage. The international Spine Registry – Spine Tango, is always evolving and in total compliance with the permanent innovations in spinal surgery, therefore continuously researching and assessing the efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness of new technologies.  Spine Tango’s IT and security structure is based on the distributed server concept consisting of a network of national modules, each module serving as own database having only demographic data of patients on it. Anonymous medical data are stored on a central database at the University of Bern. This setup is fulfilling highest possible security standards. The growing number of participants clearly emphasises the fact that Spine Tango is blossoming.

At least 19 centers in Belgium have agreed to start a pilot evaluation of the use of central registry for lumbar surgery and K60 rehab protocols. The goal of this pilot is to examine which platform is most cost efficient.

The Spine Society of Belgium plays a leading role in the initiation of this registry. Unlike others, Spine Tango includes Patient reported outcomes (EQ5D/COMI) combined with clinical data input. By doing so, the registry will evolve as a central data source to implement value based decision making into clinical practice by leveraging clinical & patient reported outcomes.

With the administrative pressure occurring due the extra data input, the spine society collaborated with LynxCare to follow up on a sample test of 2000 patients. Key evaluation points will include the number of interactions needed to generate an optimal patient response rate (+60% to +80% for peer review research) as well as a cost calculation per patient. By doing so, the administrative and financial scalability will be evaluated in contrast to other conventional methods therefore identifying the gold standard for a national wake in the near future.

The central data source will be the HD4DP  platform of the Belgian government, allowing the collected and centralized data to be in total compliance with privacy.  The requested data for spine tango will be sent to the HD4DP platform in agreement with the hospital.



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