About LynxCare

LynxCare X Dedalus

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Dedalus, transforming Real-World Data access in Europe. By combining LynxCare’s disease-specific Natural Language Processing capabilities and Dedalus’ healthcare expertise, we're set to facilitate the access and curating of fresh clinical data directly from the hospital information system. This collaboration empowers healthcare institutions and life sciences companies with accurate patient insights for more informed clinical decisions and research.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Dedalus, transforming Real-World Data access in Europe. By combining LynxCare’s disease-specific Natural Language Processing capabilities and Dedalus’ healthcare expertise, we're set to facilitate the access and curating of fresh clinical data directly from the hospital information system. This collaboration empowers healthcare institutions and life sciences companies with accurate patient insights for more informed clinical decisions and research.

Our offering:

◾ Improved trial recruitment (T4C)

◾ Enhanced data extraction for enriched and precise patient population insights

◾ A secure federated data network across Europe empowering multi-country research

Read the full press release here: Dedalus and LynxCare - Dedalus Global



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