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LynxCare recognized among the World's Best Digital Health Companies

We are proud to share that we have been recognized as one of the World's Best Digital Health Companies by Newsweek and Statista!

Among the 400 companies from 35 countries featured on the list, we are proud to be one of the two Belgian companies and part of the 30% of European companies honored. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence to transforming healthcare through cutting-edge technology.

The comprehensive evaluation, which reviewed over 3,000 companies globally, considered the impact of products/services, leadership expertise, financial performance, and online engagement. Detailed information around the methodology used can be read on the ranking's page (link below).

A big thank you to our incredible team, customers and partners.

Interested to learn more on how we can boost your research and improve patient care through unlocking deep clinical insights by analyzing full Electronic Health Records?
Reach out and have a look at our insights pages, focused on our specialized expertise in cardiology and oncology: Unlocking Insights in Oncology & Cardiology | LynxCare's Comprehensive Data Assets in Europe | LynxCare

The full ranking can be viewed here:



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