About LynxCare

LynxCare at D4Evolution 2025

On January 30, LynxCare had the honor of participating in Dedalus's annual D4Evolution conference in Paris, themed "Innovons et accélérons ensemble la e-santé" ("Let's Innovate and Accelerate E-Health Together"). This event brought together a vibrant community of clients, partners, and experts to discuss the future of digital health.

Enhancing multi-country multi-site clinical research

At LynxCare, we are proud to collaborate with Dedalus and Trials4Care (T4C) to push the boundaries of innovation and accelerate clinical research.

LynxCare's AI-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology enables hospitals to extract critical insights from unstructured clinical notes, enriching their health databases and aligning with international standards such as the OMOP Common Data Model. Our rigorous data quality control ensures top-tier datasets, facilitating participation in multicenter real-world evidence studies and preparing hospitals for the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

D4Evolution 2025

During the conference, Guillem Pelissier, CEO of Dedalus France, emphasized that the exchange and sharing of health data is a priority for 2025. Dedalus is committed to supporting clinical research through solutions like T4C and collaborations with LynxCare, which facilitate the extraction and sharing of granular health data - within a strict ethical and legal framework - necessary for advancing medical knowledge.

We are excited about the future of our collaboration with Dedalus and T4C, as we continue to innovate and accelerate advancements in healthcare throughout Europe.

Source picture: LinkedIn Les Datatransformeurs



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