About LynxCare

LynxCare appoints Jeanne Kehren to new CEO

LynxCare appoints Jeanne Kehren as new Chief Executive Officer. She succeeds Georges De Feu, LynxCare’s visionary founder, who stepped aside from his position as CEO.

LynxCare appoints Jeanne Kehren as new Chief Executive Officer. She succeeds Georges De Feu, LynxCare’s visionary founder, who stepped aside from his position as CEO.  

Georges’ contributions have been foundational in establishing LynxCare as a leader in harnessing technologies to create healthcare data solutions. As LynxCare continues to grow, we recognize the importance of bringing in specific experience and leadership to drive us through our next phase of development. With Jeanne Kehren, we bring onboard a profound expertise in innovative healthcare data solutions and experience in accelerating pharmaceutical innovation through technology.

Jeanne Kehren began her career at Novartis, enhancing R&D with innovative technologies and data integration. She joined Sanofi in 2009, leading major projects and later reshaping portfolios and strategies. In 2019, she became a Bayer, Pharma Executive committee member heading Digital & Commercial Innovation and added the role of Chief Information Officer Pharmaceuticals in 2021.

“We are excited to have Jeanne lead LynxCare into a new phase of development,” says Dries Hens, Chief Medical Officer and co-founder. “Her leadership and expertise will drive our mission to generate qualitative Real-World Evidence powered by NLP-AI technology for research and improving patient outcomes. We are confident Jeanne will accelerate LynxCare’s growth trajectory.”

Jeanne adds: “I am honored to join LynxCare at such a pivotal time. I look forward to working with the talented team to build on the strong foundation laid by its founders and to drive the company’s strategic initiatives forward.”

Together with Dries Hens, Georges De Feu founded LynxCare in 2015. Georges’ forward-thinking vision and relentless drive have been key in LynxCare becoming a leader in the field of insights from unstructured healthcare data.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Georges for his exceptional service and visionary leadership. His contributions have been instrumental in our success. He will stay close to the company as a board member and important shareholder and we look forward to his continued support.



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