Data. Evidence. Health.

Discover the power of precision medical data

Better Data.

Unlock 100% of unused hospital & patient data.

Thousands of gigabytes of healthcare data are generated each day. Unfortunately, only 15% of that data is currently used for research and evidence generation. The rest remains locked in siloed databases and unstructured formats such as narrative text.

Our mission is to help hospitals unleash the full potential of this data using AI and Natural language processing (NLP).

Better medical data homepage imageBetter medical data homepage image

Better Evidence.

>90% accuracy. Peer reviewed.

Insights gained from data stands and falls with the data's quality, quality control and traceability is of the utmost importance. As such, the mined data is first validated by experts, and has an accuracy of >90%. It is then coded to the OMOP CDM.

The result: a future-proof data warehouse containing granular, high-quality data that is understandable, validated, actionable and reusable.‍

Better RWE  & data warehouse imageBetter RWE and warehouse mobile

Better Health.

Improving patient outcomes.

This data fuels clinical insights for doctors, monitor patient pathways and analyse treatment, allowing them to uncover risk and accurately and transparently communicate to patients what they can expect.

As the hospital remains in control of the data, it can also be made accessible for researchers, without privacy concerns.

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We help build the healthcare systems of tomorrow

Health data is siloed in different languages and software systems. Using AI and NLP, LynxCare unlocks structured and unstructured clinical data and creates federated clinical data warehouses.

LynxCare prepares hospitals for the future within the European Health Data Space, i.e. EHDEN/OHDSI.

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Why LynxCare?

The Team

A perfect mix of biomedical & data scientists with >30% PhDs from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Across Europe

Leader of European Real-World Data through a network of partner hospitals, collaborating with top Life Sciences companies to unlock scientific evidence.

Variety of HIS systems connected

Automated scripts readily available to transform your (semi-) structured data to OMOP CDM. Connected with a large variety of healthcare information systems, enabling seamless connectivity.

Therapeutic Areas

  • Oncology (incl. Hematology)
  • Cardiology
  • And more

FAIR & Open source

EHDEN-certified SME.

Why LynxCare?


>20 HIS systems connected

20+ automated scripts readily available to transform your (semi) structured data to OMOP CDM.
Connected with 20+ healthcare information systems, enabling seamless connectivity.

FAIR & Open Source

EHDEN certified SME.

30+ Hospital and Data Partners


8 of the Top 20 Global Biopharma Partners

4 Countries.

5 languages.


11 Therapeutic Domains

Rare Diseases
and more...

The Team

A perfect mix of biomedical & data scientists with >30% PhDs from diverse cultural backgrounds

What we stand for.

Data quality
through NLP & AI

  • LynxCare provides data quality and data traceability guarantees. This allows HCPs and hospital researchers to rely on and check data quality at all times.

for research

  • At LynxCare, we enable the secondary use of data. By storing it in an OMOP-CDM database, we ensure it is FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Hospitals retain
data control

  • A federated AI data model ensures all data remains under the custody of the hospital. Hospitals are in full control of how that data is used, and patients remain its sole proprietors.
LynxCare open data platform icon

End-to-end platform

  • Ingest data from all relevant hospital sources, both structured and unstructured. The LynxCare platform aggregates, collects, and structures the collected data in the format that is ready for analysis.

Open Source - OMOP CDM standards

  • Databases are set up according to OMOP Common Data Model standards. LynxCare complies with OHDSI standards, allowing for seamless integration and modelling.

Privacy by design

  • LynxCare is used in line with (inter)national data privacy regulations across the globe. The use and access to data is always secured with multi-layer access restriction. When deployed in research setting, our team of medical experts helps you collect the necessary consent as well as ethical approval.

Trusted by leading healthcare organizations

LynxCare’s technology is used by leading institutes to make data and insights available at scale.
It used to take up to two years before we had the latest clinical outcomes available. From now on it can be done in near real-time.

Compliance excellence.

Privacy by design. Secure Infrastructure. Federated network.

LynxCare maintains the highest ethical standards and is compliant with (inter)national privacy regulations in both the EU and the USA. We enable scientific - not commercial - research within a federated data infrastructure.
Visit our Compliance Center